EDGE Project Proposal

Learning Latin 
For my project I will learn to read and translate Latin by working through the Wheelock’s Latin curriculum by Frederic M. Wheelock and Richard A LaFleur. I will be working alongside a few other students and mentors to help me stay on track and assist me when I encounter problems. Although learning a dead language is an extensive project and will undoubtedly require years of study before I have fully mastered it, at the culmination of this project I will write a paper detailing the progress I have made and the insights I have gained within my project’s allotted time frame. Learning a language requires consistent effort--for my project I plan to spend a minimum of an hour, five days a week, for three months, studying from my textbooks and doing outside translations. I will also spend time each week meeting with a study group and with my mentors as needed. This project will jump start my future studies of Latin and other ancient languages in graduate school and in my own personal studies.

Larger Purpose:
I choose to learn Latin for my project for several reasons: 1. I have always had a love of history and the ancient world and I believe that learning Latin will help me better understand the Roman people and their culture. 2. I am planning on getting a PHD in Ancient History and most universities require their students to study multiple languages, including Latin, in their graduate work. Thus, this project will help me prepare for my future academic pursuits.

Project Goal:
For my project I will learn to read and translate Latin by working through the Wheelock’s Latin curriculum.

1. By learning Latin I will better understand the ancient world by being able to translate original Latin documents and consequently gain further insight into the culture and life of those that spoke Latin naively.
2. By learning Latin I will better understand the modern world by being able to identify Latin roots in modern languages such as English and Spanish.
3. By learning Latin I will be better prepared to enter graduate school and study Latin and other languages on a higher level.

 At the conclusion of my project I will provide scanned copies of my notes, prominent work book passages, and any original translations I’ve been able to complete in the time frame. I will also write a paper detailing my experience and progress in learning Latin thus far, including the insights I’ve gained and the struggles I’ve had throughout the project.

Learning languages is often a vital part to learning and understanding history and culture. Learning Latin will set me apart from those in my major because I will have the ability to research and read sources in their original Latin text. As Southern Utah University does not currently have a Latin program, I will stand out from other history majors because of my ability to read and translate Latin. Because learning Latin and Greek are often required in ancient history PHD programs, learning the languages prior to applying for graduate school will also set me apart from other applicants.


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